速報APP / 個人化 / One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5





版本需求:Android 8.0 以上版本


One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖1)-速報App

This theme has interaction interface so please open the app and choose respective version for your devices to install.

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖2)-速報App

Pixel Launcher 2: https://github.com/amirzaidi/Launcher3/releases/download/Pixel-v3.6/Launcher3-aosp-optimized.apk

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖3)-速報App

XDA forum: https://goo.gl/V3sy6F

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖4)-速報App

Feedback to me if you have problem or bugs in my group with screenshots: https://plus.google.com/communities/103545131057372409612

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖5)-速報App

or email me: ngocgiap23@gmail.com

One UI for LG V40 V35 V30 V20 G7 G6 G5(圖6)-速報App